Background and Values

History of Cyclr

Cyclr is an independent, high-growth SaaS business established in 2013 and headquartered in the UK.

Our founding partners come from backgrounds in SaaS, integration and marketing automation and we were one of the very first to market with an embedded iPaaS solution. Since we launched we have enabled the creation of hundreds of integrations, saving our customers thousands of hours of wasted human capital.

We are immensely proud of our rapid growth and our committed team that has enabled it. We are always striving to make Cyclr a company that our staff love to work at, as much as one our partners love to work with.

Cyclr Team Photo

Our Company Values

Life Comes First

We actively promote health and wellbeing and the importance of life outside work.

Customers are Partners

We listen to our partners and put them at the heart of the decisions we make as a company.

Everyone Contributes

We expect proactivity, experimentation and critique from the whole team to deliver a product we can all be truly proud of.

We Aim High

We foster a positive and ambitious culture for the growth of the organisation and our people.

Explore more about Cyclr

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Working at Cyclr

Find out what it’s like working at longest established Embedded iPaaS.


Working at Cyclr

Why Cyclr?

Take a look at what the Cyclr platform includes to assist SaaS teams.


Why Cyclr?
Ready to start your integration journey?

Book a demo to see Cyclr in action and start creating integration solutions for your customers

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