
Select Your Integration Platform Package

Try Cyclr for Free

We offer a two-week free trial with access to the full functionality of Cyclr. We strongly prefer to give you a ‘value add’ trial where we build basic connectivity to your platform against a defined use case.

This means you’ll get to see data move in and out of your own SaaS straightaway. Then once you decide to sign up for one of our plans your account can be migrated so it’s ready for production.

Are you a younger SaaS company? Then take a look at our Start-Up Programme to see how we can help you expand your integration coverage.

Cyclr workflow, connector setup and custom marketplace

Cyclr’s Integration Pricing Plans

Below you have the option to toggle between Pay Monthly and Pay Annually, as well as currency. If you select to Pay Annually you can save up to 20% in advance for our plans or bolt-ons.

  • GBP
  • EUR
  • USD


Monthly Fee



Self Hosted Enterprise
Managed Hosted Enterprise
Active IntegrationsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Connectors Included1020CustomCustom
Inclusive API Calls per
1 Million5 MillionPaid direct to AWS/Azure at costRecharged at cost
Geographic LocationUS, UK or EUUS, UK or EUFlexibleFlexible
Hosting ProviderAWSAWSAWS or AzureAWS or Azure
Infrastructure ManagementCyclrCyclrSelf-ManagedCyclr
Infrastructure Account OwnerCyclrCyclrYouCyclr
Private Cloud Performance Support--Optional AdvisoryIncluded
Multiple DeploymentsSpeak To UsSpeak To UsOptionalOptional
Max Concurrent Processes50100ConfigurableConfigurable
Max. Cycle 'Poll' Frequency1 Minute1 MinuteConfigurableConfigurable
Further 200,000 API Calls per month$210 per month$210 per monthPaid direct to AWS/Azure at costRecharged at cost
Additional Connectors$80 per Connector per month$80 per Connector per monthCustomCustom
Logic Tools
Webhook Triggered Cycles
Synchronous Webhooks
Data On Demand/Proxy API
Embedded Marketplace
Cyclr API Access for Custom UI
Staging Environment (Shared Limits)$310 per month
Application Connector Creation Toolkit$515 per month
Bulk Data Onboarding EnvironmentSpeak To UsSpeak To Us
Onboarding Fee$6,000$6,000CustomCustom
Native Connector BuildIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
TrainingStructured Onboarding ProgrammeStructured Onboarding ProgrammeCustomCustom
Solutions Architect Success/Advisory SupportFor Initial 3 monthsFor Initial 3 monthsMonthly AllowanceMonthly Allowance
In-App Support
Community Site
Account Manager-
ContractOnline T's and C'sOnline T's and C'sEnterprise AgreementEnterprise Agreement
BillingCredit Card / InvoiceCredit Card / InvoiceInvoiceInvoice
Payment TermsMonthly/Annual in AdvanceMonthly/Annual in AdvanceMonthly/Annual in AdvanceMonthly/Annual in Advance
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • USD


Monthly Fee



Self Hosted Enterprise
Managed Hosted Enterprise
Active IntegrationsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Connectors Included1020CustomCustom
Inclusive API Calls per
1 Million5 MillionPaid direct to AWS/Azure at costRecharged at cost
Geographic LocationUS, UK or EUUS, UK or EUFlexibleFlexible
Hosting ProviderAWSAWSAWS or AzureAWS or Azure
Infrastructure ManagementCyclrCyclrSelf ManagedCyclr
Infrastructure Account OwnerCyclrCyclrYouCyclr
Private Cloud Performance Support--Optional AdvisoryIncluded
Multiple DeploymentsSpeak To UsSpeak To UsOptionalOptional
Max Concurrent Processes50100ConfigurableConfigurable
Max Cycle 'Poll' Frequency1 Minute1 MinuteConfigurableConfigurable
Further 200,000 API calls per month$250 per month$250 per monthPaid direct to AWS/Azure at costRecharged at cost
Additional Connectors$100 per Connector per month$100 per Connector per monthCustomCustom
Logic Tools
Webhook Triggered Cycles
Synchronous Webhooks
Data On Demand/Proxy API
Embedded Marketplace
Cyclr API Access For Custom UI
Staging Environment (Shared Limits)$385 per month
Application Connector Creation Toolkit$645 per month
Bulk Data Onboarding EnvironmentSpeak To UsSpeak To Us
Onboarding Fee$6,000$6,000CustomCustom
Native Connector BuildIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
TrainingStructured Onboarding ProgrammeStructured Onboarding ProgrammeCustomCustom
Solutions Architect Success/Advisory SupportFor Initial 3 MonthsFor Initial 3 MonthsMonthly AllowanceMonthly Allowance
In-App Support
Community Site
Account Manager-
ContractOnline T's and C'sOnline T's and C'sEnhancedEnhanced
BillingCredit Card / InvoiceCredit Card / InvoiceInvoiceInvoice
Payment TermsMonthly/Annual in AdvanceMonthly/Annual in AdvanceMonthly/Annual in AdvanceMonthly/Annual in Advance

Found the integration plan for you?

Get in touch with a member of the team who can provide more information about our plans, a demo or free trial.

Have some questions? We’ve got you…

Below are some common questions about Cyclr and terms used in our features. If you have any questions not answered below feel free to get in touch.

Connectors come in two varieties; Application Connectors and Utility Connectors. Application Connectors provide a standardised interface with a third-party application’s API, while Utility Connectors provide additional functionality for building advanced integration workflows.

Each plan has a number of Connectors included. In the Growth plan, the 10 connectors could include the Connector to your application plus Connectors to 9 other SaaS applications.

See more information in SaaS Connector library.

No. You get charged once per month for each active Connector used in your account in the last 30 days. Each Connector can be used in unlimited workflows and by unlimited users. Simply put you can have 1, 10, 100 or >1,000 users using a Connector and it will not vary the subscription price. When a Connector is no longer actively being used then it will be removed from your billing and your subscription will reduce.

We are here to help you. Our library is ever growing (see our Connector library) and our team is happy to accelerate the development of a particular Connector you require. We will liaise with you over your requirements and there will be a one-off fee for the creation of the Connector that will be agreed in advance with you. Connectors are sized by development effort from Small to Large.

Yes. Our primary axis for subscription is to charge per active Connector deployed. Subject to any API Call limits, in the Growth and Scale plans, you can have as many customers or integrations operational in your account as you like.

In our shared plans Cyclr is the AWS account owner and our Growth and Scale plans include a monthly API call allowance. You have the ability to purchase extra API calls on a monthly basis from Cyclr.

In our Self-Hosted Enterprise plan we will deploy Cyclr into your own AWS or Azure account and you will be responsible for paying AWS or Azure direct for the monthly resource consumed. You will remain responsible for the AWS or Azure account management and monitoring.

In our Managed Hosted Enterprise plan we will host the Cyclr application in a dedicated AWS or Azure instance in the Cyclr AWS or Azure account and we will recharge you monthly, at cost, for the AWS or Azure resource consumed. Cyclr will be responsible for the AWS or Azure account management and monitoring.

A Cycle is our term for a workflow.

See more information on Cycles in our orchestration layer.

A Cycle that gets information from one application and transfers it to another application, using two single API requests, would use two API Calls. The amount of data in each API call is determined by your configuration of the cycle and the APIs in use in the Cycle.

Your API call allowance covers all integrations run by yourselves and your users, being reset monthly.

No problem at all. Most clients on our Growth and Scale plans operate well within the specified limits. If, however, you go over the limit then we will bill you at the published rates for the incremental API calls you use. This will be added to your next month’s subscription and reviewed monthly. Should you be in a position when you are regularly operating with high levels of API calls we would be delighted to explore a dedicated Private Cloud instance with you that can be customised to your requirements.

Our Growth and Scale Plans are inclusive of hosting in a shared environment. We manage the number of concurrent processes that can be consumed by one customer at any one time to prevent a single client dominating the infrastructure. Effectively the concurrent Process limit is indicative of the maximum number of API calls you can have processing in parallel at any one time. A ‘25’ or ‘50’ limit means that you can have a maximum number of 25 or 50 API calls processing simultaneously. As soon as any API call is processed then your next API call is submitted for processing.

The time taken to process an API call is dependent upon a number of different factors including: the amount of information in the API call and the responsiveness of the third party applications in the Cycle (including any rate limiting they may have). API call processing time can be as quick as <1 second but may take up to 15 minutes in some instances. Cyclr is optimised to process your API calls as quickly as possible based upon the limitations of any Cycles you have in place. If you need to meet a certain level of latency then we would be happy to explore a Private Cloud license with you and support you to set-up infrastructure customised to your specific business requirements.

Cycles can be triggered by either being ‘pushed’ to start (e.g. via webbook) which triggers a Cycle as soon as the push is received, or by setting the Cycle to ‘look’ for information – also known as ‘polling’. The Maximum Cycle poll frequency is a limit on how often you can set a Cycle to poll/look for new information.

Webhook Triggered Cycles give you the ability to create event driven integrations – running a Cycle when triggered by an event in another platform.

When available, webhooks can automatically be set when a user installs a Cycle, so the setup experience is as smooth and user-friendly as possible.

Data on Demand allows you to request and access data from third-party applications, which can then be used in your SaaS application, without having to run a Cycle.


The Embedded Marketplace gives you all the tools to create your own integration marketplace which can be embedded inside your SaaS application.

You can style your Marketplace in any way you like, so you can ensure it closely matches your application’s UI, as well as being flexible enough to create any format you like.

The Marketplace also handles self-service integration deployment, so your users can browse your range of integrations and setup all of the integrations they need within a familiar interface.

You can create your own integration experience for your users by developing with our API.

Our API is extremely flexible, allowing your development team to create new bespoke experiences that fit your business model and styling.

See more information on Custom UIs and API options available in our Integration Delivery options.

The Application Connector Creation Toolkit enables you to create your own Custom, self-managed, Connectors ‘Custom Connectors’.

We don’t charge for any Custom Connectors you create yourself as you take-on the burden of build, management and maintenance of Custom Connectors. Custom Connectors are therefore outside of your monthly Connector allowance.

See more information on Custom Connectors.

Designed for customers who need to upload large amounts of data to get their user onboarded, the Bulk Data Onboarding Environment provides a separate area for processing data in bulk, while regular maintenance workflows can run in tandem.

When you take our Private Cloud subscription you are running a dedicated Private Cloud instance of Cyclr. Our team will provide you with advice in resourcing and managing the environment to meet the performance targets you set.

Some customers require multiple private deployments of Cyclr as a result of the way in which they themselves supply their own customers. Typically in very large scale B2B deployments. We are happy to support multiple Private Cloud deployments and can price according to requirements.

In order to get going with Cyclr there are a discrete number of processes that need to take place:

We need to create a Connector to your application

We need to provide you (and your team) with initial training

We need to follow-up with best practise workflow assessment sessions

We will happily provide details of the sessions provided as part of your sign-up process.

Our team of Solutions Architects are here to support you in getting to ‘first success’ in your use of Cyclr. They provide a combination of both training and counsel as you build your first workflows. The Solutions Architects will provide you with 3 months guidance post signature of Growth and Scale Plans. In our Scale Plan your Account Manager will work with you and will draw on Solutions Architects on an ongoing basis as required.

The SLA for our Growth and Scale plans can be found here.

Our manned In-App support hours are 9am-10pm UK Time.

Yes! Cyclr is an important application within anyone’s integration infrastructure and it is important to us that anyone trialling the application is treated in the same way that we would treat a customer. Which is why we offer a PoC so partners can prove data will flow between their system to others, this would be fully scoped out and implemented alongside you with training provided.

The PoC will end once the agreed scope has been completed. You can then either convert to a paid subscription or walk away with no further obligation.

If you’re interested in a free trial of Cyclr contact us HERE and the team will be in touch with you.

Yes. We would be happy to discuss a discount for registered charities or educational establishments.

Prices are stated exclusive of any applicable local taxes.

Ready to start your integration journey?

Book a demo to see Cyclr in action and start creating integration solutions for your customers

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