How can an iPaaS help tackle Zombie APIs?

Published on by Hayley Brown

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Zombie APIs bursting out of the ground

APIs have become the backbone of the internet and digital transformation. They facilitate seamless integration, enable the rapid development of new services, and drive innovation by connecting disparate systems.

However, with the proliferation of APIs, a new challenge has emerged: Zombie APIs. These are APIs that are no longer in active use but remain operational, consuming resources and potentially exposing vulnerabilities. According to one recent study, the average number of APIs in use by survey respondents was over 15,000. And for large enterprises with more than 10,000 employees, the average rose to more than 25,000.

We will explore how an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) can help organisations tackle the problem of Zombie APIs effectively.

Understanding Zombie APIs

Zombie APIs are akin to abandoned houses in a neighbourhood. They were once built and used but have since fallen into disuse. Despite no longer serving any active purpose, they continue to exist, consuming resources such as computational power, memory, and network bandwidth. As a result, unused APIs can become security liabilities, providing potential entry points for malicious actors.

The rise of Zombie APIs can be attributed to several factors. For instance, in the rush to innovate, APIs are often developed and deployed without a robust lifecycle management plan. Also, an organisation may lack comprehensive visibility into their API landscape, making it difficult to track which APIs are still in use. Finally, decommissioning APIs is often not prioritised, leading to abandoned APIs lingering in the system.

The Role of iPaaS

An Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) provides a centralised solution to manage, integrate, and monitor APIs across an organisation. An iPaaS can therefore help tackle the problem of Zombie APIs.

Centralised API Management

iPaaS platforms offer a unified interface for managing all APIs within an organisation. This centralisation provides better visibility into the entire API ecosystem, making it easier to identify and monitor the usage patterns of each API. By having a single pane of glass, IT teams can quickly spot APIs that are no longer being called or used.

Automated Monitoring and Alerts

One of the core features of an iPaaS is its ability to continuously monitor API traffic and usage. Through automated monitoring, iPaaS can detect when an API’s usage drops to zero or falls below a certain threshold over a specified period. Alerts can be configured to notify administrators of these inactive APIs, prompting a review and potential decommissioning.

Lifecycle Management

Effective API lifecycle management is crucial in preventing the proliferation of Zombie APIs. iPaaS platforms provide tools for managing the entire lifecycle of an API, from creation and deployment to retirement. This includes setting up automated workflows for deprecating and decommissioning APIs, ensuring that APIs are gracefully phased out when they are no longer needed.

Enhanced Security

Zombie APIs pose significant security risks as they might be forgotten in the security update cycles, making them vulnerable targets. An iPaaS can help mitigate these risks by enforcing security policies across all APIs, including those that are inactive. Regular security scans and compliance checks can be scheduled to ensure that even unused APIs do not become security liabilities.

Reporting and Analytics

Detailed reporting and analytics provided by iPaaS platforms can help organisations gain insights into their API usage patterns. By analysing these reports, IT teams can make informed decisions about which APIs are candidates for decommissioning. Historical usage data can also help in understanding the context of API usage and planning for future integrations.

Cost Management

Zombie APIs, while inactive, still incur costs in terms of maintenance, monitoring, and infrastructure. By identifying and decommissioning these APIs, organisations can reduce unnecessary expenditures. iPaaS solutions often include cost management tools that highlight the financial impact of inactive APIs, aiding in budget optimisation efforts.

Implementing an iPaaS to Combat Zombie APIs

To effectively leverage an iPaaS in combating Zombie APIs, organisations should follow these steps:

1. Assess the Current API Landscape

Begin by conducting a thorough audit of all existing APIs. Document their usage patterns, dependencies, and current status. This initial assessment provides a baseline for monitoring and management efforts.

2. Define API Lifecycle Policies

Establish clear policies for API lifecycle management, including criteria for deprecating and decommissioning APIs. Ensure that these policies are integrated into the iPaaS workflows.

3. Monitor and Analyse

Utilise the iPaaS platform to continuously monitor API usage and generate reports. Analyse these reports regularly to identify potential Zombie APIs.

4. Automate Decommissioning

Set up automated workflows within the iPaaS to handle the decommissioning process. This includes notifying stakeholders, updating documentation, and safely retiring the API.

5. Review and Iterate

Regularly review the effectiveness of the iPaaS in managing API lifecycles. Iterate processes and policies based on insights gained from monitoring and analytics.

Successfully Avoiding the Zombie API Apocalypse with iPaaS

Zombie APIs represent a hidden yet significant challenge in modern IT environments. By leveraging the capabilities of iPaaS, organisations can gain control over their API ecosystems, ensuring that unused APIs are identified, monitored, and decommissioned efficiently. 

As a result, not only does an iPaaS enhance security and reduce costs but also it streamlines API management, paving the way for more effective and innovative use of APIs in the future. Embracing an iPaaS solution is a strategic move towards maintaining a healthy, secure, and cost-effective API landscape.

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About Author

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Hayley Brown

Joined Cyclr in 2020 after working in marketing teams in the eCommerce and education industries. She graduated from Sussex University and has a keen interest in graphic design and content writing. Follow Hayley on LinkedIn

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