bob HR Integrations

Build & publish in-app integrations with our bob HR connector

What is bob HR?

The people management platform that helps fast-growing companies bring out the best in their employees.

Create automations with our bob HR connector

Accelerate your solution development for your customer integration needs. Using Cyclr you can improve your efficiency with low code tools and build repeatable Hibob workflows to fulfil your customers requests quickly, and effectively.

Why integrate with bob HR

Integrate with Hibob using Cyclr and create useful integration solutions natively for your customers. Automated workflows can help your end-users collate data and make insightful decisions. As well as keeping their organisation organised. Connect your SaaS to Hibob and help your customers grow and nurture their employees.

bob HR connector icon

Available Methods and Endpoints

List All Named Lists
List All Named Lists.
Update Persons Start Date
Set or update an employee's start date.
Create Person
This creates a new employee record in Bob.
Search People
Returns a list of requested employees, data is filtered based on the access level of the logged-in user.
Update Persons Email
Set or update an employee's email address.
List Public Profiles
Returns the public section of all active employees of the logged-in user company.
List Persons Variable Payments
Returns a list of variable payments for a given employee.
List Persons Salary History
Returns a list of salary history entries for a given employee.
Import Attendance Data
Import Attendance Data for employee.
Create Salary Entry
Creates a new salary entry for a given employee.
Employee Updated
Triggered when an employee is updated.
Employee Created
Triggered when an employee is created.
Employee Joined
Triggered when employee start date has occurred.
Employee Left
Triggered when employee termination date has occurred.
List All Sites
List Sites.
Upload to Employee's Shared Folder
Upload a file to the employee's shared folder.
Upload to Employee's Private Folder
Upload a file to the employee's shared folder.
List Payroll History
Retrieve the balance for a given employee, for a given policy type, as of a given date.
Create Balance Adjustment
Create a balance adjustment for a given employee for a given effective date.
Submit Timeoff Request (Different Hrs Per Day)
Submits a new timeoff request of different hours per day.
Get Time Off Request
Supplies detailed info about an existing time off request.
Cancel Timeoff Request
Cancels an existing time off request.
Get Employee Balance
Retrieve the balance for a given employee, for a given policy type, as of a given date.
List Updated Time Off Requests
Returns the list of time off requests that are pending, approved or cancelled since the specified date.
List Who Is Out
Read a list of who's out of the office.
List Who Is Out On Day
Returns the list of people that have a time off request today or on the specified date.
Submit Timeoff Request
Submits a new time off request.
Get Policy
Get details about a given policy.
Create Policy Reason Codes
Add a list of reason codes for a given policy type.
List Policy Names
Get a list of policy names for the user's defined policy type.
Get Policy Type
Get details about a given policy type.
List Policy Types
Get a list of all policy type names.
List Policy Type Reason Codes
Get list of reason codes for a given policy type.
List Departments
Return a list of all departments.

Do you want to access something that's not currently listed?

Just let us know and we can add it to the connector for you!

Top Use Cases for bob HR Integrations

Using Cyclr you can make your integrations adaptable with reusable templates. They can simply be copied and customised when your customer requirements change. Helping to improve your customer experience. Developing your integration templates improves your scalability, speed and reliability to your end-users in days not months.


  • Trigger an error message is employee bank details expire/incorrect
  • Sync payroll and expenses data
  • Set up notifications for new job applicants
  • Remove job description when position filled
  • Trigger an update to a job description when reaching an expiry date
  • Sync employee feedback data between systems
  • Quickly and accurately process adjustments to employee roles
  • Trigger automated actions when someone new is added to your HR system.
  • Automate reminders when data is missing from a record.


  • Trigger an error message is employee bank details expire/incorrect
  • Sync payroll and expenses data
  • Set up notifications for new job applicants
  • Remove job description when position filled
  • Trigger an update to a job description when reaching an expiry date
  • Sync employee feedback data between systems
  • Quickly and accurately process adjustments to employee roles
  • Trigger automated actions when someone new is added to your HR system.
  • Automate reminders when data is missing from a record.

Some of the many benefits of using Cyclr as your integration solution



Transform your API from backend to frontend, from developer focused to business user focused.

Deliver integrations natively from within your own application and add value to your end-users.

Build Quickly

Build Quickly

Add connectivity in days, not months. So you can add transformative technology to your system in no time at all.

Be responsive to the needs of your clients and your sales team.

No code integrations

No code integrations

Use our drag and drop integration builder to create integrations, then click to publish them to your app.

Your users can then search and deploy these integrations in a couple of clicks.

Related Resources

bob HR Connector Documentation

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