HR Integrations to make your daily tasks easier

Must have HR Integrations

Updated on by Hayley Brown

An HR department is a vital part of an organisation, a vital cog if you will in a well-oiled machine. The department tends to have many crucial repetitive business processes, and functions that affect the entire organisation. Therefore ensuring employee, and company information are up to scratch, compliant and efficient is essential. 

An automated integration system can enable many HR SaaS integrations with third-party APIs. They are able to automate repetitive business processes.

Let’s take a look at a few popular HR integrations that make life easier.

What is HR?

HR is responsible for managing and supporting employees whether it be recruitment, training or administering employee benefits. The department is an integral part of an organisation as they are also responsible for payroll, employee wellbeing, and expense management.

Popular HR Connectors

Typical HR Integrations

HR SaaS software solutions provide organisations with the ability to collate and store employee data in an efficient and secure way. The HR department can manage employees in regard to working hours, and holidays. They can continuously track employee performance, and milestones with the company and help retain valuable team members. 

With all this data it can be difficult to keep track of changes, so building integrations between applications can help alleviate this.

Payroll/Finance and HR Integration

HR and finance teams choose to integrate payroll because it provides data accuracy and security. Rather than time-consuming manual data entry.

When a new employee joins the organisation, a confidential form can be created for them to fill out with their relevant details. These details are automatically added to the HR software. Their employee account is created, as well as being automatically added to the finance/payroll system. 

Afterwards, an email can be sent to the new employee with login details to view their monthly payslips. A completely automated business task, that would otherwise have required manual data entry.

Payroll and HR Integration

Example HR – Payroll Integrations

  • Trigger an error message if employee bank details expire/incorrect
  • Sync payroll and expenses data

Recruitment and HR Integration

The recruitment process can be long and tedious. Therefore, creating automated workflows can help make the process move faster and easier on a day-to-day basis.

An application is filled out for a new job role, which is then emailed to the organisation’s HR department. Their details are added to the HR system. Next, it will be accessed by the hiring manager who will score the application resulting in either success or failure. Depending on the result the candidate will be emailed, and an interview event will be scheduled.

Recruitment and HR Integration

Example Recruitment – HR Integrations

  • Set up notifications for new job applicants
  • Remove job description when position filled
  • Trigger an update to a job description when reaching an expiry date

Employee Onboarding and HR Integration

Depending on the role, and type of business, employee onboarding has varying time scales. Using API connectors for integrations throughout the onboarding process can help simplify tasks, such as time management, scheduling and payroll.

The new employee’s details are added to the HR system which could be integrated with the CRM or POS system. Resulting in the creation of new credentials for new employees. As a result, it ensures they have access to all the relevant business applications with their newly generated usernames and passwords. This can then be emailed to the new employee.

Employee Onboarding and HR Integrations

Example Employee Onboarding – HR Integrations

  • Sync documents or contracts that need a signature and send a notification once completed
  • Send invitations to communication channels for new employees

Talent Management and HR Integration

Internal communications are vital for the HR department. Not only do they keep teams up to date, but they also help check on employee wellbeing, their learning and development, and performance reviews.

The HR department sends out reminders to employees for an upcoming performance evaluation. These are completed via a linked form. The data is input into the HR software and updated. Afterwards, emails are sent out to employees to confirm receipt of performance evaluations. The new data is added to the employee profiles.

Talent Management and HR Integrations

Example Talent Management – HR Integrations

  • Sync employee feedback data between systems
  • Quickly and accurately process adjustments to employee roles

Approvals and HR Integration

Integrating HR approvals can be useful in regard to quickly and efficiently granting holidays or expenses. 

For instance, an employee can send a message to a specific HR channel requesting time off. This can trigger the HR software to check their holiday entitlement. Which helps determine if they have gone over their allowance. As well as if other members of staff are off in the same time period or any other scheduling clashes. 

If the holiday is accepted the HR application updates the employee’s holiday entitlement. A message is sent to the recipient as recognition of the accepted request. If the request is unsuccessful a message is posted to the recipient explaining why the request has been rejected.

Approval and HR Integrations

Example Approval – HR Integrations

  • Sync employee expense request data between systems

Integrating HR systems are beneficial to your organization

Integrating HR processes is beneficial to an organisation, firstly because the integrations increase security. This means there are no more employee details on post-it notes or unsecured spreadsheets. It can also result in a reduction in manual errors, as data entry is automated, and eliminates double data entry. 

With these mundane tasks completed automatically, it can boost the morale of teams, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency. Integrations have the ability to enable business continuity no matter where the organisation is working. 

Overall, automating many HR processes can improve a company’s compliance, and ultimately save them time.

More Integration Resources

About Author

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Hayley Brown

Joined Cyclr in 2020 after working in marketing teams in the eCommerce and education industries. She graduated from Sussex University and has a keen interest in graphic design and content writing. Follow Hayley on LinkedIn

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