Are AI Platforms and Embedded iPaaS a Match Made in Heaven?

Published on by Fraser Davidson

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AI Robot Waving

In recent years, AI (Artificial Intelligence) platforms have exploded onto the software scene. Many of us are learning and understanding how the applications can be used. From everyday life, a creative asset or a helpful business tool. As well as how these platforms can be regulated to ensure data, creativity and job protection.

Cyclr CEO Fraser Davidson has been considering the synergy between AI platforms and Embedded iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service). 

Beautiful Synergy?

Both platforms function as specification engines. The quality of their output is directly linked to the precision of the input.

But here is where they differ, and why I think that they complement each other perfectly.

Artificial platforms shine in their ability to push boundaries, innovate, and provide creative solutions. They can do amazing, unpredictable things that expand our horizons. 

On the flip side, an embedded iPaaS excels in control, predictability, and security. It ensures that data resides in the right place, with proper authentication and security measures in place, maintaining data integrity and ensuring compliance.

The combination of these two technologies in partnership is powerful.

Powerful Technology Partnership

AI platforms benefit from the structured environment provided by embedded iPaaS, ensuring that data flows correctly and securely and more importantly that customers are assured of data security and control. Embedded iPaaS can feed AI.

Meanwhile, embedded iPaaS leverages AI to enhance its creative capabilities, resulting in the ability to offer more sophisticated and creative connectivity options.

One major advantage of using AI platforms and embedded iPaaS in partnership is the secure handling of API authentication details and login credentials. Embedded iPaaS acts as a secure lockbox, keeping the AI platform focused on innovation without compromising security.

This offers immense potential for a balanced ecosystem where creativity and control coexist harmoniously.

The controversial counter to this is that I believe AI within an Embedded iPaaS is more challenging. The Embedded iPaaS vendor using AI within their product has to be clear about where and how data is being shared.

We at Cyclr are not yet comfortable with this and therefore keep AI outside our product.

What are your thoughts on partnering AI with embedded iPaaS?

Do you agree that in collaboration these platforms are powerful but in combination, it could be unwise? 

Share your thoughts and keep the discussion going with Fraser on LinkedIn!

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About Author

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Fraser Davidson

As CEO of Cyclr, Fraser leads strategy, HR, fundraising and our commercial efforts. Cyclr is a young, fast growth, business with big aspirations. Follow Fraser on LinkedIn

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