How to use integrations to improve customer experience 

Updated on by Hayley Brown

Take the integration load off your customers, improve their experience and increase your connectivity options.

How? I’ll give you a clue it rhymes with shredded glass… 

An embedded iPaaS! (Okay that would of been much cooler if it rhymed with shredded wheat!)

Anywho we are discussing integration solutions not cereal brands. But much like breakfast, the most important meal of the day and productivity booster, integrations are vital to the day to day operations of a modern organisation. 

Not only do integrations help with productivity they are incredible ways of improving customer experience.

Struggling to fit in breakfast, aka integrations?

So it seems we are sticking with the breakfast analogy, but trust me it does make sense. In 2017 47% of UK adults found they rarely had time to eat a proper breakfast. In my eyes this isn’t dissimilar to organisations who lack time and resources to build and develop integrations. 

A market study done in 2021 by TeamDynamix found that 89% of organisation had a data integration backlog. This was regardless to whether they were handled in-house or via third-party applications. 

In the fast paced market organisations are struggling to keep up with the latest integrations and customer integration requests due to needing to keep the core product up to date. At the same time as not having the internal resources to deal with them and new applications constantly being thrown into the mix.

As a result technical debt can mount up, which can hinder your time to market and customers experience.

Not having breakfast leads to unproductivity and bad customer experience!

So, before using an embedded iPaaS organisations had a couple of ways to create integrations. One being to manage them in-house. These integrations would often involve the manual upload and download of key data from an organisations clients to then passthrough their application.

In addition an organisation could use use partners like Zapier, third-party tools to manage key pieces of information such as subscription preferences. When using tools such as these there is a requirement for the user to self set-up such an integration.

This meant customers are required to play an active role in the integration management process. Many organisation may find this approach negligible as it can fracture the customer experience and they can easily be targeted by competitors.

So, how do you decrease integration load on customers? 

You can increase your connectivity options, build your own API led integrations and use an embedded iPaaS to create and maintain APIs and integrations.

Eat breakfast and you’ll boost productivity, increase customer experience and your connectivity

Embedded iPaaS applications are a suite of tools that enable users to build native integrations for their customers, help to reduce technical or data integration debt and increase time to market. 

They provide an increase in connectivity and expand an organisations integration capabilities. As they have pre-built APIs and integration templates for common use cases. For instance, taking an organisations 25 CRM internal integrations and providing an additional 35. This enables an organisation to integrate with a higher number of different systems with a much lower overhead. 

Using an embedded iPaaS that provides native integration functionality can take the work off the customer and improve their experience. For example, if an email is sent out and all of a sudden customer preferences have changed, you prefer Corn Flakes to Rice Crispies, two-way integrations can take this information and pass it back to the relevant CRM. 

This means the customer information is up to date, your sales team or customer support team have the latest information available. Teams have the necessary data at their fingertips, providing a unified view of a single customer. This in turn helps serve customers with a personalised user experience. It is also important in regards to GDPR and adhering to customer choices.

A bowl full of integrations

Lets return to our breakfast cereal analogy. 

Now imagine your bowl and inside your cereal is 100s of different APIs, like our Connector Library, and your spoon is the integration tool that allows anyone to respond, design, build and deploy integrations for your customers. 

By increasing your connectivity with integrations your customers experience is improved, and you’ll be less hungry throughout the day!

About Author

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Hayley Brown

Joined Cyclr in 2020 after working in marketing teams in the eCommerce and education industries. She graduated from Sussex University and has a keen interest in graphic design and content writing. Follow Hayley on LinkedIn

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