Sailthru Integrations

Build & publish in-app integrations with our Sailthru connector

What is Sailthru?

Sailthru helps modern #marketers build lasting relationships with their customers across email, web & mobile with 1:1 personalization.

Create automations with our Sailthru connector

Cyclr enables SaaS platforms to integrate their application with hundreds of other platforms. Use Cyclr’s low code integration builder to integrate your application with Sailthru, so you can provide in-app Sailthru integrations for your end users.

Why integrate with Sailthru

Your SaaS users want more and more integrations, but they take time and development resources to create. Which is why Cyclr’s white label, embedded integration platform enables you to create integrations between your application and Sailthru, as well as 100s of other apps, using low code tools.

Sailthru connector icon

Available Methods and Endpoints

Create Or Update User
Create or update a user using a specific email address.
Get User
Get data for a user by their email.
Delete User
Delete a user with a given email.
List Lists
Get all lists.
List Templates
Get information about existing templates.

Do you want to access something that's not currently listed?

Just let us know and we can add it to the connector for you!

Top Use Cases for Sailthru Integrations

Quickly create integrations between your SaaS application and Sailthru with Cyclr's low code integration builder. Publish your Sailthru integration into your application using Cyclr's white label embedded integration marketplace.

Email Marketing

  • Automate your mailing lists when a subscriber takes an action in one of your emails.
  • Tag subscribers automatically when they take interest in a particular piece of content.
  • Automatically unsubscribe a user from all mailing lists and systems when they have unsubscribed from one.

Email Marketing

  • Automate your mailing lists when a subscriber takes an action in one of your emails.
  • Tag subscribers automatically when they take interest in a particular piece of content.
  • Automatically unsubscribe a user from all mailing lists and systems when they have unsubscribed from one.

Some of the many benefits of using Cyclr as your integration solution



Transform your API from backend to frontend, from developer focused to business user focused.

Deliver integrations natively from within your own application and add value to your end-users.

Build Quickly

Build Quickly

Add connectivity in days, not months. So you can add transformative technology to your system in no time at all.

Be responsive to the needs of your clients and your sales team.

No code integrations

No code integrations

Use our drag and drop integration builder to create integrations, then click to publish them to your app.

Your users can then search and deploy these integrations in a couple of clicks.

Related Resources

Sailthru Connector Documentation

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Ready to start your integration journey?

Book a demo to see Cyclr in action and start creating integration solutions for your customers

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